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Contact Us

+44(0) 116 264 3850

[email protected]

Unit Z, Winchester Avenue,
Blaby Industrial Park,
Leicester, LE8 4GZ,
United Kingdom


Miles-Platts has a policy of continuous environmental improvement and is committed to working closely with both our suppliers and customers to achieve this goal. The Company works only with major international polymer suppliers that meet the REACH Regulation adopted by the European Council in December 2006, it entered into force on 1st June 2007.

All standard moulding materials used by Miles Platts are certified by the relevant manufacturer to comply with the European REACH directive.

Miles Platts does not add any of the SVHC included in the REACH candidate list during our manufacturing process.

The REACH regulation ensures that the chemical industry accepts greater responsibility for risk management and the supply of safety information through the registration of chemicals.

REACH aims to ensure that any use of at-risk products is limited or substituted where possible.

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